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Program grantowy

Creative Education through Innovative Approaches (CREDUTIA)

Creative Education through Innovative Approaches (CREDUTIA)

The main aim of Project Credutia is to increase the professional competences of teachers and VEts of adults in the intercultural dialogue with migrants and people with different cultural habits and background. To fill the gap in their own professional qualification, especially in using suitable methods according to cultural background of their learners.

Through our Project we would like to teach them how to transfer knowledge and experience to other people and to contribute to the positive thinking towards migrants and people from different cultures.

The Project contains: partners working meeting, workshops, survey of teachers needs  and how to create curriculum course for teachers and piloting course simulating concrete situations with learners and other people in matters concerning their civil life.

Credutia is hold since 1st of August 2009 till 31th of July 2011 and is coordinated by Czech organization Meter Silesia in cooperation with Cycladic Educational Centre from Greece, Staff Consulting s.r.l from Italy,  Drujestvo za razpostranenie na znanija “Misal” from Bulgaria and Civil Initiatives Development Centre CRIS from Poland.

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission under the Lifelong Learning Programme