dofinansowanie - logotypy
Ośrodek Wsparcia 
Ekonomii Społecznej Obszaru Rybnickiego
Działaj lokalnie+
Program grantowy
Oferta usług CRIS

I play green

I play green

„I play green. An educational and informative campaign supporting the idea of balanced development” is a project addressed to all interested in life of the town, ecology and civil campaigns.

The project was meant to launch a civil campaign in the area of Rybnik. It was the first so big informative and educational campaign in Rybnik, the goal of which was to sensitize inhabitants of Rybnik to ecological problems and showing them, that with little effort one can help the nearby environment. During the eight month lasting project young people took also part in ecological and marketing trainings. A portal for Rybnik and ecology enthusiasts was launched: